Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) certification preparation training
sri, 21. ruj
|Virtual training
It’s exciting time to be agile! PMI-ACP exam is focused on real world agile knowledge and with this training we will help to you build agile mindset and to get in the best shape possible for taking the exam. Main objective is to prepare participants/mentee for PMI-ACP® certification.

Time & Location
21. ruj 2022. 08:30 – 23. ruj 2022. 16:00
Virtual training
About the Event
It’s exciting time to be agile!
PMI-ACP exam is focused on real world agile knowledge and with this training we will help to you build agile mindset and to get in the best shape possible for taking the exam.
Main objective is to prepare participants/mentee for PMI-ACP® certification. After completing this course participants will get the corresponding education /contact hours needed to apply for exam.